
14 Days

Thanks to an eventful Tuesday night in which I was involved in a hit and run accident (not my fault thank you) from which I have severe whiplash and a very painful back, I am off work for two weeks. 14 days that had already been planned out, scheduled into my daytimer. Now those 14 days are blank.

I feel guilty not being at work. But its not my fault. I didn't ask to get rear-ended at 35 mph and get out of work. But it happened. As a Christian I understand that this was allowed by God. For what purpose? Ah, now that's where my vision gets blurred. I don't know. I find myself this morning asking God, "What do you want with me in these next 14 days?" I don't doubt for one moment that God has a plan in this for his will in my life.

Perhaps he wants me to rest.

Perhaps something else will happen in the next two weeks for which I needed to be out of work.

Perhaps he's saving me from that which is Starbucks drama.

Perhaps I'll never get an answer.

One thing I do know for certain, though we use the word "accident" I know it was not. God has his invisible hand in this and he has purpose. I need to trust and listen for his voice. And that makes me excited for the next two weeks, even though I still feel guilty about not working (workaholics usually do) I know that this will probably be an amazing time off.


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