
A Lesson Learned I Pass on to You

If you lock your keys in your car don't walk to the nearby police station and ask for help.

First of all, the receptionist will stare blankly at you like you just asked her if they can save the world from a rapidly approaching bird army of biblical porportions. Then she will say, "I don't think so." In a very demeening manner, and still perplexed by the question.

Second, don't be undeterred. When you ask to talk to a police officer and to ask them yourself, she will look even more confused and point you to the room accross the way.

Third, don't go. Once you get there you will wait for some time and then speak with a person who is just as bemused by the request and will politely decline on behalf of the officers because, "they don't really do that."

You will walk away, not quite embarassed but wishing you'd cried a little to win some sympthay. Upon reaching the first receptionist who now thinks you must be high, you will ask to use a phone and will call your dad who tells you to call AAA. You will speak with Dot, who bless her heart, applauds your failed efforts and sends a short, unfriendly hero who will unlock your car in the famous Washington mist.

The end. Lesson over.


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