
Friends and I Do's

Six years ago I confronted a friend of mine on some sin in her life. She called me some choice names and said some very hurtful things I still can recall with much color. And our friendship, which was once tremendously close, was gone. The next day it was nothing but the Grand Canyon between us. I finally got over it a few years back and was finally glad that I had said something, forgiven her and moved on. No longer dwelling on the past.

Now she's engaged, nay, getting married tomorrow night and I am completely torn. She has mentioned to me it would mean a lot to her if I come. But I'm not sure I'm strong enough. I'm so frustrated and mixed up by it. We've met up once since jr. year to go see Ty Pennington from Trading spaces. That was almost two years ago. How awkward is it going to be to show up to her wedding. I don't even know where I stand. Do I support it or not. I'm happy for her, but I just don't know.

No one ever gave a warning that relationships with people are messy and very confusing, no one ever told me it would be so hard to be single and watch someone who was once your best friend say "I do" and you are not involved in the slightest bit... It surprises me how hard it is. I've been to five other weddings this summer and none have caused such distress and confusion or brought so much pain...