

This last week in my hermeneutics class we studied the passage in Luke where Jesus is tempted by the devil at the outset of his ministry. That passage is rich with insights and truth but one thing stood out to me more than anything else.

Twice in Hebrews (2:18 and 4:15) it says that Jesus was tempted as we are, therefore he can aid us because he understands the temptation. I sometimes wonder how this can be. Did Jesus ever really undergo all the temptations that we do? But he did. Perhaps not in every specific situation (was he ever tempted to clock in early at work?) but I think what the temptation appeals to is what he understands--pride, desire, self-preservation, greed, and so on.

I understand that principle but I tend to struggle with finding it in the Bible. I am one of those who, sadly, all too often forgets that Jesus lived beyond what we see in the Bible. Not all of his life is recorded in our four gospels. There was so much more to his life we know absolutely nothing about (John 21:25). Which leads me to Luke 4.

So it says that Jesus was led into the desert and tempted for 40 days. At the end of which he was tempted three more times. My question is what happened in those 40 days? Luke says he was tempted for 40 days. That is not an empty phrase. It got me thinking that maybe, just maybe it was in those days that the Lord was tempted in all the ways we are. We have no clue what happened between Jesus and the Devil in those days but just think, what if in that time he was tempted to give into his greed? If he was tempted by desire? Just because its not in ink doesn't mean nothing happened. And even if in those 40 days he wasn't tempted in all the ways we are, this insight (?) got me thinking. Who's to say he wasn't tempted elsewhere as we were. So much of his life is a mystery to us.

I guess its not too much of a life altering thought but it just reminded me to think of Jesus beyond the pages of our Bible, he was a man who lived and laughed and cried and was tempted. He really was like us, just a little more complex and completely perfect :)


Demonic Insights

I've been reading C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters this week. Its always so eye-opening and insightful and makes me take a step back and look at things in my life... last night as I put the book down I started to wonder what my "demonic handbook" might look like.

What vices of mine are rooted in evil?

What is behind my constant lack of sleep and exhaustion?

The lies I hear come at specific times, for what reason were they created and recited into my ear? What do they hold me back from?

I've also been studying Ephesians 5:13-17 in which the key concept is light vs. darkness. I am reminded of how when light shines into a dark place revelation happens. Lewis' book of demonic insights is like a light. Sure some of the specifics are not in our individual lives but demons lack creativity and can't seem to come up with anything new. We all struggle and fight against spiritual pride or vanity. What about frustration with the church and becoming a connoisseur of differing methods and trends among the Church today? What of the mine mentality...the feeling of not just entitlment but that I am right, its "my God, my church, my Bible, my ministry, etc."

So many more but ultimately it is all one ploy to twist the truth and get us off the path. We are told if we give into temptation (in whatever form) it will all stop. But really all that does is entangle us more.

A wise man once told me that demons do not go on vaction. They are always at work and we are merely their playground. To have victory over them is to recognize the authority we have over them, by the blood of Christ (Philippians 3) and rebuke them. But dauntingly this will only send them packing for a day or two at most. They find another area to chip away at, to destroy or they just come back to the same weakness and attack like no tomorrow. Far too often I give in and listen to the lies or give up the fight because I'm just too weak and tell myself, "If I listen to the lie, it will stop." And maybe it does for a moment but it always comes back.

But calling out to God. Asking him to fight...now that's a beautiful thing. For on our own we fail miserably but with the Lord Almighty we vanquish our foes in a most epic way.

"There are angels round my bed tonight. Some are there for comfort, some are there to fight."
--Kevin Max