
Because I Said So

I laugh out loud every time I come to Leviticus 18 because I hear Grace saying "whores, lots of whores, whore city" when I read it.

Though Leviticus can be a rather tedious read at times I perhaps oddly enjoy it. Numerous times God says, "Be holy, because I am holy." Unlike the pagan gods of the day God created a standard in which his people could live, a standard that considered their physical, emotional and spiritual needs and in doing so set them apart from all other nations. God desires holiness and holiness comes about, in part, by obedience.

As I have struggled with finding a church, finding a safe place to use my gifts, I have humbly hit the wall of obedience. I know full well we as believers are to meet together. I understand theologically and rationally the meaning and importance of the church. And I accept that I was created with unique gifts that are to be used boldly. However my heart is jaded and, though much healing has happened, it is still broken and afraid.

I ran into a local pastor at the movie theater and was struck yet again by his genuine shepherd's heart so I decided to go back to his church. Upon my arrival I had a classic KJ moment that left the usher laughing and I'm sure praying I would get saved that morning. And in the midst of my proud and bad mood I heard only one thing that morning, "the woman was in the perfect place to meet Jesus... because she was broken." And as that penetrated the walls of my heart I decided that this must be the church for me.

Flash forward a few more weeks and I'm back to my Sunday morning funk. But it was different that day, after getting all ready and just about to walk out the door I changed my mind, the series was less than enticing and I had no desire to sit through another devotion on steroids. So I threw my purse down and went for another cup of coffee, but I had that heavy impression that God had other plans. And in a brief moment I knew I needed to put down the coffee and pick up my purse and go to church.

So I went, and I sat disengaged and bored, I tuned out and started reading through Leviticus. And I found the answer to my question why God would want me to settle for something I don't love. It was just as simple as what he told the Israelites "I am the Lord your God" which is pretty much the divine equivalent of "because I said so." And for now its enough of a reason for me to obey.